Modern health-saving practices of Russians

Research Article
  • Aziza V. Yarasheva Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia ORCID ID
    Elibrary Author_id 519466
    ResearchID A-9976-2017
  • Svetlana V. Makar Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia; Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia ORCID ID
    Elibrary Author_id 374039
    ResearchID M-5794-2018
  • Natalia V. Alikperova Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the FCTAS RAS; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia ORCID ID
    Elibrary Author_id 754213
    ResearchID S-1899-2018
How to Cite
Yarasheva A.V., Makar S.V., Alikperova N.V. Modern health-saving practices of Russians. Population. 2023. Vol. 26. No. 2. P. 127-138. DOI:


The article considers a relatively new aspect of the problem of sparsely populated Russia, associated with the possibility of increasing the life expectancy of the population. The ways to solve this problem are connected with the need to achieve the goal of the national project “Healthcare”. The authors show that in addition to improving the functioning of the national health system, human behavior is of great importance — his individual approach to preserving his own health through health-saving practices. In this regard, it is of theoretical and practical interest to compare two vectors of behavior — compliance with the principles of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) and biohacking. The results of the study were an analysis of the values of the indicator of healthy life expectancy of Russians by macro-regions (federal districts) for the three-year period 2019–2021, which included the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. The analysis made it possible to identify the most “prosperous” and “least prosperous” regions according to the noted indicator. Over the three-year period, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the trends in the spread of healthy lifestyle among Russians was carried out. The principles of biohacking that are more difficult for an individual to implement are given and its main audiences are noted. It is shown that biohacking, in the presence of many common features with the principles of healthy lifestyle, is a “superstructure” over healthy lifestyle. The conclusions of the article note the role of behavioral aspects in the preferences for choosing health-saving practices. An organizational approach is possible in relation to healthy lifestyle and biohacking, while it is necessary to assess the risks of using the latter for Russia. In order to expand the audience practicing the implementation of the strategy of health-saving behavior, the policy of the State, implemented in particular by medical personnel, is significant. The culture of physical health, which ensures an increase in labor productivity, is a part of the general culture of the nation.
life expectancy, health-saving practices, healthy lifestyle, biohacking, quality of life, human capital, self-preserving behavior

Author Biographies

Aziza V. Yarasheva, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of laboratory
Svetlana V. Makar, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia; Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Professor, Ogarev Mordovia State University
Natalia V. Alikperova, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the FCTAS RAS; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia
Candidate of Economics, Leading Researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the FCTAS RAS; Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Researcher, Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of Moscow Healthcare Department


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Received: 17.02.2023

Accepted: 16.06.2023

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Other cite formats:

Yarasheva, A. V., Makar, S. V., & Alikperova, N. V. (2023). Modern health-saving practices of Russians. Population, 26(2), 127-138.