Regional features of the demographic processes in the Russian-Kazakh cross-border regions

Research Article
The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Academy of Sciences within the framework of the project АААА-А21–121011190016–1.
How to Cite
Sokolov A.A., Rudneva O.S. Regional features of the demographic processes in the Russian-Kazakh cross-border regions. Population. 2023. Vol. 26. No. 3. P. 30-42. DOI:


Formation of new borders has transformed the adjacent territories of Russia and Kazakhstan into a new political and socio-economic space. The purpose of the work is to analyze demographic processes with the account of the territorial features of the Russian-Kazakh border area in the conditions of modern political, economic and social integrations. The use of methods of economic and statistical analysis made it possible to identify the vector and dynamics of the demographic processes in the adjacent border territories. Based on the analysis of spatial differentiation of population changes by administrative entities of the Russian-Kazakh cross–border area in the period 1989–2021, there were identified six regional groups with different character of the demographic situation — from critical to most favorable. As a result of the analysis of demographic indicators, significant differences were revealed depending on the level of the studied territories. At the macro level, on both sides of the Russian-Kazakh border, there is generally a similar demographic situation both in its orientation and in the relative values of the main demographic indicators. At the meso level, there is a multidirectional dynamics of regional indicators. The leaders of population growth are mainly resource-producing regions. The regions, in which the population has decreased most of all, are adjacent border territories, between which there is a low asymmetry of indicators and almost complete synchronicity of the ongoing processes. At the micro level, comparing cities and districts, there are significant contrasts in almost all demographic indicators. Moreover, in the Kazakh part of the border area, these differences are more significant. In general, there is the same trend throughout the border regions — the population is moving to more developed areas — from depressed rural areas to district centers and small towns, from small and medium-sized cities to large regional centers and big cities.
Russian-Kazakh cross-border, demographic processes, integration, depopulation, border regions

Author Biographies

Aleksandr A. Sokolov, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Orenburg, Russia
Candidate of Geography, Senior Researcher
Oksana S. Rudneva, Institute of Steppe of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Orenburg, Russia
Candidate of Geography, Senior Researcher


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Received: 06.04.2023

Accepted: 07.09.2023

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Sokolov, A. A., & Rudneva, O. S. (2023). Regional features of the demographic processes in the Russian-Kazakh cross-border regions. Population, 26(3), 30-42.