Human potential: conceptual approaches and measurement methods

Research Article
How to Cite
Lokosov V.V. Human potential: conceptual approaches and measurement methods. Population. 2023. Vol. 26. No. 4. P. 4-14. DOI:


In the conditions of the emergence of a new technological, and perhaps also social, structure, the main source of national wealth is considered to be «human potential», because the main sectors of economy are education, healthcare, science and culture, which form the so-called knowledge economy. The article is devoted to study of human potential: genesis of this concept, its definition and measurement techniques. It is substantiated that the concept of «human potential» is one of the key, integral ones for study and diagnosis of social processes. It needs a broad interpretation and cannot be reduced to purely economic concepts such as «human capital», «human resources», «labor potential» or «human potential of economy». It is necessary to distinguish between «quality of life» and «human potential» and consider the first as a means, and the second as the end, understanding that improving the quality of life does not necessarily entail increasing the quality of the population and vice versa. The author’s definition of human potential and a 5-stage model for its implementation are given. In the case of an increase in the useful effect of potential realization, the quantitative characteristics of the population, which primarily include demographic characteristics, will lose their importance compared to the qualitative ones. The work assessed domestic experience in human potential research and identified methodological approaches to its measurement using statistical indicators. It is proposed, on the basis of expert assessments and calculations, to use the method of extremely critical (threshold) indicators to assess human potential. Based on this method, a preliminary conclusion is made about the weakening of human potential, because over the past 30 years, not a single problem of expanded reproduction of a healthy, primarily indigenous population has been solved. The main results of the study can be used in developing activities in the field of strengthening Russian human potential and its implementation.
human potential, human capital, quality of life, demographic potential, labor potential, population reproduction, measurement techniques

Author Biography

Vyacheslav V. Lokosov, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia
RAS Corresponding Member, Director


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Received: 01.10.2023

Accepted: 06.12.2023

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Lokosov, V. V. (2023). Human potential: conceptual approaches and measurement methods. Population, 26(4), 4-14.