About some features of the state of science in Russia

Research Article
  • Evgeny P. Tavokin Russian Technological University (MIREA), Moscow, Russia tavokin@mail.ru
    Elibrary Author_id 137362
How to Cite
Tavokin E.P. About some features of the state of science in Russia. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 4. P. 64-81. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18522/2227-8656.2023.4.3


Objective of the study is to identify the specifics and reveal the meaning of the state and dynamics of the most important indicators of science in the Russian Federation in general and the social sciences and humanities in particular. The methodological basis of the research is the analysis of statistical data characterizing the state and dynamics of science in the Russian Federation in general and the socio-humanities, in particular, as well as the analysis of the content of some socio-humanitarian publications. Research results. The dissonance is revealed, which consists in the fact that against the background of the general decline of science, the number of representatives of the socio-humanitarian branches tends to increase both in absolute and (especially) relative terms. A general decline in the quality of scientific research in these areas of science has been established. They are dominated by pseudoscientific or pseudoscientific publications that imitate science. Four types of them are considered. Prospects of the study. It is advisable to establish the connection of the results obtained with the socio-economic, educational, cultural policy of the state, the spiritual sphere as a whole.
science, social sciences and humanities, artificial intelligence, pseudoscience, organization of science

Author Biography

Evgeny P. Tavokin, Russian Technological University (MIREA), Moscow, Russia
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor


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Received: 21.06.2023

Accepted: 31.08.2023

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Other cite formats:

Tavokin, E. P. (2023). About some features of the state of science in Russia. Humanities of the South of Russia, 12(4), 64-81. https://doi.org/10.18522/2227-8656.2023.4.3