Crimean residents' views on the integration processes in Russian society (based on the materials of focus groups)

Research Article
The article was prepared within the framework of the State Assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “State-civil integration of the Russian multicultural society and adaptation practices of the population in the context of new territoriality and national policy of restoring historical justice” FENW-2023-0061 (internal number GZ0110/23-14-RG)
How to Cite
Vereshchagina A.V. Crimean residents’ views on the integration processes in Russian society (based on the materials of focus groups). Humanities of the South of Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 6. P. 159-172. DOI:


Objective of the study is to analyze the views of the residents of the Republic of Crimea on the integration in Russian society at the present stage. As well as their views on the possible basis for the unity of the Russian people nowadays taking into account the annexation of new territories and the ongoing Special Military Operation.   The methodological basis of the research is based on the results of an empirical study conducted with the method of focus groups in October 2023 in the Republic of Crimea. The first focus group study involved 11 residents (5 residents of the village and 6 residents of the city, 18-81 years, and the second focus group was conducted among students (N = 12). The sample was made according to the following criteria: the course of study, ethnicity, region (place of residence before admission to university). 5 people from the LPR and the DPR took part in the student focus group.   Research results. The Crimean residents perceive the processes of integration in Russian society in a traditionally established setup. It is based on the basic spiritual and moral values of Russian society, primarily patriotic. At the same time there is a completely adequate understanding of the problems that Russian society and the population of the annexed republics and regions face at the present stage in terms of state-civil integration. According to Crimean residents, Russian society is not highly cohesive. Different generations see either the basic ideas for uniting Russian society or the forms of cohesion and assistance to the citizens of the country in different ways. At the same time, despite the intergenerational differences in understanding the meanings, ideas, and foundations of the unity of the Russian people, the readiness of various generations of Crimeans to resist external threats together with the entire Russian people and build a prosperous future of the country, which depends on the state and on every citizen are clearly recorded. Prospects of the study are related to the further research of ideas, values, attitudes, motivations of behavior of the residents of various Russian regions. Its interpretation will allow us to penetrate into the life world, into the subjective world of those who construct social reality.  
integration, integration processes, national integration, state-civil integration, citizen, patriotism, Crimea

Author Biography

Anna V. Vereshchagina, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Assistant Professor; Professor of the Department of Theoretical Sociology and Methodology of Regional Research


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Received: 17.10.2023

Accepted: 22.12.2023

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Vereshchagina, A. V. (2023). Crimean residents’ views on the integration processes in Russian society (based on the materials of focus groups). Humanities of the South of Russia, 12(6), 159-172.